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Workplace Violence and Gender Discrimination in Rwanda's Health Workforce: Increasing Safety and Gender Equality

This article in Human Resources for Health draws on research conducted during the Capacity Project, the predecessor to CapacityPlus.

Workplace violence has been documented in all sectors, but female-dominated sectors such as health and social services are at particular risk. This article reexamines a set of study findings that directly relate to the influence of gender on workplace violence, synthesizes these findings with other research from Rwanda, and examines the subsequent impact of the study on Rwanda’s policy environment.

Overcoming the Hurdle of Implementation: Putting Human Resources for Health Tools into Action

This article in Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública by CapacityPlus’s deputy director for HRH and health systems strengthening provides guidance for putting health workforce tools into action.

The global human resources for health (HRH) challenge remains persistent. In 2006, the World Health Report identified 57 crisis countries, and, despite increased attention and investment in strengthening the workforce, those countries are still in crisis. While many countries have HRH plans, this paper asserts that a major reason countries remain in crisis is the lack of sustained implementation to achieve concrete workforce strengthening results. It is critical for HRH leaders to take action to ensure that already available tools are disseminated, adapted, and used to foster effective implementation at the country level. The paper highlights four such tools as examples that can be used to build implementation capacity, and offers recommendations to support more results-oriented implementation.

Superando el obstáculo de la implementación: poniendo en acción las herramientas para la promoción de recursos humanos en salud

Spanish translation of “Overcoming the hurdle of implementation: Putting human resources for health tools into action.”

Suivi du personnel de santé au Botswana

Kabelo Bitsang, administrateur iHRIS pour le ministère de la santé du Botswana, explique comment le ministère utilise le logiciel open source et gratuit produit par le projet CapacityPlus pour procéder au suivi et à la gestion du personnel de santé national.

Marco de acción de RHS

Spanish version of the HRH Action Framework, which is designed to assist governments and health managers to develop and implement strategies to achieve an effective and sustainable health workforce.

Sistemas de información de recursos humanos para la salud

¿Cómo pueden los países recolectar y utilizar información sobre la fuerza laboral de salud para incrementar el acceso a servicios de salud?

La rétention du personnel

Comment motiver les prestataires de soins pour qu’ils restent dans les zones rurales ?

Tracking All Health Workers in Botswana

Kabelo Bitsang, iHRIS administrator at the Botswana Ministry of Health, explains how the Ministry is using CapacityPlus’s free, open source software to track and manage the country's health workforce. Also available in French.