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Knowledge Library

Directrices para conformar y mantener grupos de liderazgo de interesados en los recursos humanos para la salud

Spanish translation of Guidelines for Forming and Sustaining Human Resources for Health Stakeholder Leadership Groups. These guidelines provide a practical, clear, and user-friendly set of actions that HRH leaders at the country level can take to successfully launch and sustain stakeholder leadership groups.

iHRIS Manage: Uma Ferramenta para a Gestão da Mão-de-Obra de Saúde

Portuguese translation of an overview of iHRIS Manage, the HR management component of the iHRIS Suite. Using iHRIS Manage, decision-makers at the Ministry of Health, a district health office, or a health care facility can collect, manage, and analyze detailed information about employed health workers and applicants.

iHRIS Qualify: Uma Ferramenta para Efectuar o Registo dos Profissionais de Saúde e das Suas Qualificações

Portuguese translation of an overview of iHRIS Qualify, the health professional training, licensing, and certification component of the iHRIS Suite.

Implementing Health Workforce Plans Together

Laurence Codjia of the Global Health Workforce Alliance shares her views on the role of stakeholder leadership groups in making progress on health workforce plans. Also available in French.

Ensemble pour mettre en œuvre les plans relatifs aux effectifs sanitaires

Laurence Codija de l’Alliance mondiale des personnels de santé nous donne son point de vue sur le rôle des groupes d’action des parties prenantes et leurs avancées par rapport aux plans relatifs aux effectifs sanitaires.

Country Action for the Health Workforce: A Powerful Framework

Mary Roroi of the National Department of Health in Papua New Guinea and Dr. Zulfiqar Khan of the World Health Organization in Pakistan discuss how they’re applying the HRH Action Framework to strengthen the health workforce. Also available in French.

Tracking and Monitoring the Health Workforce: A New Human Resources Information System (HRIS) in Uganda

This article draws on work from the Capacity Project, the predecessor to CapacityPlus. It describes Uganda’s transition from a paper filing system for health workers to an electronic human resources information system (HRIS) capable of providing information about country-specific health workforce questions, and how HRIS data can be used in workforce planning.

Un cadre d’action solide pour appuyer les effectifs sanitaires au niveau national

Mary Roroi du ministère de la santé en Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée et le Dr. Zulifqar Khan de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé au Pakistan nous explique comment ils appliquent le cadre d’action des RHS afin de renforcer les effectifs sanitaires.