
Preservice Education of Community Health Extension Workers, Nurses, and Midwives in Nigeria: Findings and Recommendations from a Rapid Scoping Assessment

Using a modified version of the CapacityPlus Bottlenecks and Best Buys approach, CapacityPlus assessed 19 institutions training targeted health cadres. The intent was to find areas where support by CapacityPlus could assist Nigerian training institutions to maximize the number of newly trained health workers produced between August 2012 and October 2013. Based on the findings, the assessment team recommended six possible activities for CapacityPlus support to schools of midwifery and health technology. (The project subsequently acted on these recommendations in close collaboration with Nigerian stakeholders.)

Scholarship Ceremony at the Gao Nursing School in Mali

To help make it possible for nursing and midwifery students to continue (or begin) their training, CapacityPlus provided 204 financial scholarships to the students most in need. On December 18, 2013, the school hosted a ceremony to award scholarships to recipients—who comprise 37% of the student body—and to receive new equipment and supplies. This seven-minute video was produced by the Office of Radio and Television of Mali (ORTM); English subtitles added by IntraHealth International. To learn more, read the related article.

Applying the Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) Method in Namibia: Challenges and Implications for Human Resources for Health Policy

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the first-ever national application of the Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) tool developed by the World Health Organization. The article describes the steps involved in implementing WISN, a human resources management tool, in Namibia, discusses software and data challenges, summarizes key findings relating to health worker shortages and inequities, and reviews the utility of the WISN findings for policy-makers in Namibia. The authors observe that the WISN method can offer credible workload-based evidence to improve the equity and distribution of health workers within a region or across similar types of facilities nationwide. Perhaps most importantly, the WISN tool allows policy-makers to consider the potential impact of decisions on staff requirements before actually making the decisions.

Differences in Preferences for Rural Job Postings between Nursing Students and Practicing Nurses: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment in Lao People’s Democratic Republic

A discrete choice experiment was conducted to investigate preferences for job characteristics among nursing students and practicing nurses to understand whether differing policies may be appropriate for each group. Data were collected from 256 nursing students and 249 practicing nurses. For both groups, choice of job posting was strongly influenced by salary and direct promotion to permanent staff. As compared to nursing students, practicing nurses had significantly lower preference for housing allowance and housing provision as well as lower preference for provision of transportation for work and personal use. Findings suggest that it may be important to differentiate between recruitment and retention policies when addressing human resources for health challenges in developing countries, such as Lao PDR.

Tracking and Monitoring the Health Workforce: A New Human Resources Information System (HRIS) in Uganda

This article draws on work from the Capacity Project, the predecessor to CapacityPlus. It describes Uganda’s transition from a paper filing system for health workers to an electronic human resources information system (HRIS) capable of providing information about country-specific health workforce questions, and how HRIS data can be used in workforce planning.

Strengthening the Uganda Nurses' and Midwives' Association for a Motivated Workforce

International Nursing Review published a study conducted by the Capacity Project, the predecessor to CapacityPlus. “Strengthening the Uganda nurses’ and midwives’ association for a motivated workforce” presents results from a survey of nurses that was designed to develop policy recommendations for strengthening the association and improving nurse retention. The study concludes that in order to improve motivation and quality of care, investments should be channeled through professional associations that can provide tangible support for nurses such as professional development, mentoring, and networking.

HIV Care for Health Workers: Perceptions and Needs

Provides results from a participatory study on health workers' needs for HIV care and makes policy recommendations based on health workers' self-reported information.


Strengthening Health Professional Associations

Discusses various approaches for strengthening professional associations and outlines the benefits and challenges of such efforts.

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