
The Medical Education Partnership Initiative: Report of an eLearning Strategic Plan Development Workshop

In collaboration with the MEPI eLearning technical working group, CapacityPlus and the MEPI coordinating center organized and conducted a workshop to complete draft eLearning strategic plans for MEPI-supported institutions, share knowledge and experiences, and build a supportive network of eLearning collaborators. The workshop, which was held in Gaborone, Botswana, February 24–27, 2014, brought together representatives from 11 MEPI-supported schools and one MEPI consortium.

Suivi du personnel de santé au Botswana

Kabelo Bitsang, administrateur iHRIS pour le ministère de la santé du Botswana, explique comment le ministère utilise le logiciel open source et gratuit produit par le projet CapacityPlus pour procéder au suivi et à la gestion du personnel de santé national.

Tracking All Health Workers in Botswana

Kabelo Bitsang, iHRIS administrator at the Botswana Ministry of Health, explains how the Ministry is using CapacityPlus’s free, open source software to track and manage the country's health workforce. Also available in French.

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