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Education and Training

Keeping Up to Date: Continuing Professional Development for Health Workers in Developing Countries

In order for health workers to provide quality care and meet their communities’ changing health care needs, they must become lifelong learners dedicated to updating their professional knowledge, skills, values, and practice. This technical brief summarizes the literature concerning current best practices and innovative ideas in continuing professional development (CPD). It is targeted toward people who run or advise CPD programs.

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Health Worker Education

How can countries scale up education of health workers to meet health care needs? This brief presents an overview of issues related to the production and training of health workers with suggested actions, key considerations, and resources. Also available in French.

La formation du personnel de santé

Comment les pays peuvent-ils étendre l’éducation des prestataires de soins afin de répondre aux besoins sanitaires ?

Community Health Workers

How can countries more rapidly increase their health workforce? This brief presents an overview of issues related to community health workers and human resources for health along with suggested actions, key considerations, and resources. Also available in French.

Comment étendre la formation du personnel de santé au Malawi par le biais de partenariats

Verah Nkosi, étudiante à l'École d'infirmiers de Kamuzu au Malawi, donne son point de vue sur certains défis récurrents ayant trait à l'augmentation de la quantité et de la qualité des diplômés issus des écoles de formation aux professions médicales.

Nurses Needed: Partnering to Scale Up Health Worker Education in Malawi

Verah Nkosi, a nursing-midwifery student at the Kamuzu College of Nursing in Malawi, shares her perspective and illustrates some common challenges for increasing the quantity and quality of graduates from health professional schools. Also available in French.

Outil d’estimation du coût de la formation initiale

Un aperçu de l’outil détaillant les coûts actuels de la formation initiale et estimant le coût des interventions visant à améliorer et à étendre la formation aux professions médicales et au métier d’infirmier dans un pays donné.

Preservice Education Costing Tool

An overview of a tool that will provide current costs of preservice education and cost estimates of interventions to improve and scale-up medical and nursing education in a given country. Also available in French.