Preservice Education

Strengthening the Health Worker Pipeline through Gender-Transformative Strategies

CapacityPlus conducted a systematic review of 300 articles, reports, program documents, and websites on gender discrimination in higher education, including health worker preservice education. A panel of experts in gender and in human resources for health then reviewed summaries of 51 interventions identified from the literature search, according to selected characteristics of gender-transformative interventions. This technical brief provides an overview of how gender discrimination affects health professional students and faculty as well as intervention options that the expert panel identified as having potential to counter gender discrimination. In addition, it offers recommendations for preservice education institutions and other stakeholders to address these challenges. Also see the related report.

A Mixed Method Approach to Identifying Bottlenecks in the Production of Health Workers

Provision of quality health services starts with health workers and the training they receive. Given resource limitations, it is essential to ensure that investments in preservice education are the most efficient and effective in producing quality health workers. Presented at the Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Beijing on November 2, 2012, this poster describes results from a needs assessment at six institutions in Mali using a mixed method approach to identify the key bottlenecks to providing quality preservice education in family planning and reproductive health for nurses and midwives.

Professionalization of Under-Recognized Health Worker Cadres

An overview of the Life Cycle Approach, which has been developed to systematically address all the crucial steps in the professionalization of under-recognized health worker cadres.

Outil d’estimation du coût de la formation initiale

Un aperçu de l’outil détaillant les coûts actuels de la formation initiale et estimant le coût des interventions visant à améliorer et à étendre la formation aux professions médicales et au métier d’infirmier dans un pays donné.

Preservice Education Costing Tool

An overview of a tool that will provide current costs of preservice education and cost estimates of interventions to improve and scale-up medical and nursing education in a given country. Also available in French.

Preservice Education Toolkit

This toolkit outlines key programmatic steps, highlights lessons learned, and identifies resources to assist country programs, donors, and governments with preservice education programs. CapacityPlus’s Kate Tulenko participated in the technical advisory group for the development of the toolkit.

Strengthening Preservice Education Institutions: Strategies for Scaling Up Health Worker Production

An overview of innovative strategies to increase the production of health professionals.

Learning for Performance: Toolkit for Health Worker Education and Training

An overview of Learning for Performance, a toolkit targeted to fix a performance problem or gap when health workers lack the essential skills and knowledge for a specific job responsibility, competency, or task.

Innovative Financing for Preservice Education

A brief summary of some innovative forms of financing for health professional schools to consider. The full version is available as CapacityPlus Technical Brief #8.

Updating and Disseminating Guidelines for Family Planning and Reproductive Health: The Role of Health Systems Strengthening

Describes several approaches used to achieve needed changes in service delivery practice, and provides recommendations for actions at the local level.

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