
Motivating Health Workers to Serve in Rural Lao PDR

Dr. Chanthakhath Papassarang, Dr. Phouthone Vangkonevilay, and Dr. Outavong Phathammavong describe an effort to assess health workers’ preferences in order to determine the most effective incentives for rural service. Also available in French.

Marco de acción de RHS

Spanish version of the HRH Action Framework, which is designed to assist governments and health managers to develop and implement strategies to achieve an effective and sustainable health workforce.

Le Cadre d’action RHS

Le Cadre d’Action RHS vise justement à aider les gouvernements et les responsables des systèmes de santé à formuler et à mettre en œuvre des stratégies permettant au personnel de santé d’être plus stable et plus performant. Par son approche exhaustive, ce cadre vous aidera, entre autres, à pallier les pénuries de personnel, sa distribution inégale, son manque de compétences, son faible taux de fidélisation et son manque de motivation.

Directrices para conformar y mantener grupos de liderazgo de interesados en los recursos humanos para la salud

Spanish translation of Guidelines for Forming and Sustaining Human Resources for Health Stakeholder Leadership Groups. These guidelines provide a practical, clear, and user-friendly set of actions that HRH leaders at the country level can take to successfully launch and sustain stakeholder leadership groups.

Faith-Based Organizations: Using HR Management to Support Health Workers

Dr. Samuel Mwenda, chairman of the Africa Christian Health Associations Platform (ACHAP) and general secretary of the Christian Health Association of Kenya, and Doris Mwarey, ACHAP's regional HR specialist, discuss the role of human resources management for faith-based organizations. Also available in French.

Guidelines for Forming and Sustaining Human Resources for Health Stakeholder Leadership Groups

Stakeholder leadership guidelinesThese guidelines provide a practical, clear, and user-friendly set of actions that human resources for health (HRH) leaders at the country level can take to successfully launch and sustain stakeholder leadership groups (SLGs). An HRH SLG consists of representatives from all of the key entities involved in planning, producing, managing, and supporting a country’s health workforce. The recommended actions described in this resource are intended to raise the likelihood of forming an SLG that functions well, has a positive impact, and avoids or addresses typical difficulties. Read related news and blog posts. Also available in French and Spanish.

Implementing Health Workforce Plans Together

Laurence Codjia of the Global Health Workforce Alliance shares her views on the role of stakeholder leadership groups in making progress on health workforce plans. Also available in French.

Global Partnerships: Strengthening Human Resources for Health Approaches Together

Provides a retrospective view of the Capacity Project’s contributions and recommendations in the area of global partnering.

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