The Knowledge library


Medical Education Partnership Initiative eLearning Workshop: Developing a Strategic Plan

This presentation was given by Chris Busang of the University of Botswana during the Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) eLearning Strategic Plan Development Workshop, which was held in Gaborone, Botswana, on February 24–27, 2014. In collaboration with the MEPI eLearning technical working group, CapacityPlus and the MEPI Coordinating Center organized and conducted the workshop. Representatives from 11 MEPI-supported schools and one MEPI consortium completed draft eLearning strategic plans, shared knowledge and experiences, and built a supportive network of eLearning collaborators.

Medical Education Partnership Initiative eLearning Workshop: Strategic Plan and SWOT Analysis Templates

Participants at the Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) eLearning Strategic Plan Development Workshop used these templates to draft school-specific eLearning strategic plans and to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In collaboration with the MEPI eLearning technical working group, CapacityPlus and the MEPI Coordinating Center organized and conducted the workshop, which was held in Gaborone, Botswana, on February 24–27, 2014. The participants represented 11 MEPI-supported schools and one MEPI consortium.

Achieving HRH Commitments: Lessons Learned and Resources from CapacityPlus

This presentation was given at the Third Global Forum on Human Resources for Health in Recife, Brazil, during the CapacityPlus side session on November 9, 2013. Project leaders shared innovative resources and lessons learned from their application at the country level in the areas of health workforce planning, production, management, performance, and retention.

Sélection d’outils de CapacityPlus en français à l’intention des effectifs sanitaires

CapacityPlus possède un large éventail d’outils disponibles en français. Un nouveau document en donne un aperçu en compilant les outils et les documents de références produits par CapacityPlus et destinés au personnel de santé avec de brèves descriptions et des liens permettant d’accéder aux versions en ligne.

“That’s Improvement!”: Uganda Focuses on Health Workers

In this short video, meet three Ugandan health workers who love their jobs. Agnes, Habiba, and Alex find joy in serving their clients, but they face many challenges—and there are simply not enough health workers to meet the demand. To improve health services, Uganda is focusing on the people that provide quality care. These efforts are paying off and service delivery has improved. Other countries can access the tools and approaches that Uganda has successfully used. The related website section includes stories, photos, and links to resources.

CapacityPlus Brochure

An introduction to the CapacityPlus global project. Also available in French and Spanish.

CapacityPlus Brochure (French)

Une brève présentation du projet mondial CapacityPlus.

CapacityPlus Brochure (Spanish)

CapacityPlus es un proyecto de alcance mundial de cinco años de duración, orientado hacia el fortalecimiento de los recursos humanos para la salud requeridos para ayudar a alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio.