HR Management

Les organisations confessionnelles

Comment les gouvernements peuvent-ils travailler avec les organisations confessionnelles pour renforcer le personnel de santé ?

Human Resources for Health Professional Development at the District Level: Recommendations Based on the Ugandan Experience

Many countries have committed to a process of decentralizing a range of human resources for health (HRH) responsibilities, decisions, and authorities to subnational or district levels. Such decentralization requires political and organizational adjustments in the way the health care workforce is managed at the subnational level. Health leaders and managers in a decentralized system need to be skilled in such areas as workforce planning, recruitment, deployment, performance management, and retention. Uganda is one country that has embarked on a program to strengthen HRH leadership and management at the district level. This report shares lessons learned from Uganda and—using this experience as a foundation—offers selected suggestions for how other countries might develop and implement HRH professional development programs at subnational levels.

Human Resources Management Assessment Approach

HRM Assessment ApproachStrengthening the human resources management (HRM) of the health workforce is essential to improve the quality of family planning, HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, and other key services, and to ensure that global investments to increase the number of trained health workers are supported and sustained. The Human Resources Management Assessment Approach is designed to guide policy-makers, managers, and human resources practitioners toward better understanding and responding to the HRM challenges facing their health systems. The approach promotes the collection and analysis of information on defined HRM challenges and informs the development of policy, strategy, systems, and process interventions to respond to challenges in four key areas of HRM: health workforce planning and implementation, work environment and conditions, human resources information systems, and performance management.

iHRIS Administrador: Nivel 1

Este curso producido por el HRH Global Resource Center (el Centro Mundial de Recursos sobre los recursos humanos para la salud) ofrece instrucciones sobre el conjunto de habilidades básicas y necesarias para administrar y personalizar el software del CapacityPlus de sistemas de información de recursos humanos, iHRIS Manage e iHRIS Qualify.

Health Worker Education

How can countries scale up education of health workers to meet health care needs? This brief presents an overview of issues related to the production and training of health workers with suggested actions, key considerations, and resources. Also available in French.

Community Health Workers

How can countries more rapidly increase their health workforce? This brief presents an overview of issues related to community health workers and human resources for health along with suggested actions, key considerations, and resources. Also available in French.

Faith-Based Organizations

How can governments work with faith-based organizations (FBOs) to strengthen the health workforce? This brief presents an overview of the issue of FBOs and human resources for health along with suggested actions, key considerations, and resources. Also available in French.

Gestión de recursos humanos

¿Cómo podemos fortalecer los sistemas que los trabajadores de salud necesitan para funcionar con eficacia?

Organisations confessionnelles: Utilisation de la gestion des RH pour soutenir le personnel de santé

Le Dr. Samuel Mwenda, le président de la Plateforme des associations sanitaires chrétiennes d’Afrique (ACHAP) et secrétaire général de l’Association sanitaire chrétienne du Kenya, et Doris Mwarey, spécialiste régionale en ressources humaines pour le compte de l’ACHAP, débattent du rôle de la gestion des RH pour les organisations confessionnelles.

La gestion des ressources humaines

Comment pouvons-nous renforcer les systèmes dont les prestataires de soins ont besoin pour fonctionner efficacement ?

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