Family Planning

La croissance démographique et la crise mondiale des effectifs sanitaires

Ce résumé technique riche en données examine l’impact potentiel de la croissance démographique sur les efforts entrepris par divers pays en vue d’améliorer l’accès au personnel de santé et recommande une approche permettant de répondre aux besoins sanitaires des familles tout en réduisant l’impact de la crise qui touche le personnel de soins.

Population Growth and the Global Health Workforce Crisis

This data-rich technical brief examines the potential impact of population growth on countries’ efforts to improve access to health workers, and recommends an approach that will help meet families’ health needs while mitigating the health workforce crisis. Also available in French.

Access the interactive version in English or the PDF in English or French. Also read the related Voices, news, and blog post. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Repositioning Family Planning: Rwanda’s No-Scalpel Vasectomy Program

Discusses the Capacity Project's work to expand family planning services, and provides recommendations for future implementation.

Updating and Disseminating Guidelines for Family Planning and Reproductive Health: The Role of Health Systems Strengthening

Describes several approaches used to achieve needed changes in service delivery practice, and provides recommendations for actions at the local level.

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