CapacityPlus Joins the Positive Practice Environments Campaign

CapacityPlus has joined the International Council of Nurses, International Pharmaceutical Federation, World Confederation for Physical Therapy, World Dental Federation, World Medical Association, and International Hospital Federation in the Positive Practice Environments Campaign as an international collaborating organization. 

Health worker on the jobPositive practice environments are settings that ensure the health, safety, and personal well-being of staff; improve the motivation, productivity, and performance of individuals and organizations; and support the provision of quality patient care.

The campaign aims to improve the quality of health services by raising awareness, identifying good practices, and developing tools for managers and health professionals in the field, as well as carrying out concrete national and local demonstration projects to improve practice environments.

CapacityPlus staff look forward to working with the campaign and its partners on areas such as workplace climate, productivity, and performance; continuing professional development; policies in support of health workers, and human resources management systems.


Photo: Trevor Snapp