Supporting countries to move forward

CapacityPlus routinely supports country efforts to build capacity in health informatics. These capacities can include preservice and in-service eHealth literacy programs for health workers and the development of dedicated health informatics personnel as well as national health informatics capacity-building strategies and policies. Our experience with broader health preservice training, health informatics internship programs, national universities, and eHealth innovation hubs supports comprehensive national capacity-building for better health information.

Figure 1: Health Informatics from the Perspective of a Health Worker

Figure 1 

The health informatics tools shown in Figure 1 must be supported by:

  • Health workers who are literate in information technologies (e.g., computers, mobile electronic devices)
  • Health information technologists
  • Information and communications technologies infrastructure
  • An eHealth policy and strategy framework
  • eHealth stakeholder leadership
  • National, regional, and global eHealth partnerships.