Health Workforce Performance Support

Method of Calculation: Retention
Indicator MIN. No attainment 1. Informal activity only 2. Start of formal activity 3. Some/fair progress 4. Good progress 5. Excellent progress MAX. Complete attainment Source
Staff satisfaction There is no system in place to determine if staff/ volunteers are satisfied with work conditions. Such concerns are not discussed among managers. Staff and/or volunteers have discussed the need for getting information from staff and/or volunteers on work conditions and satisfaction but nothing has been done yet. There have been informal discussions among managers about the conditions of work for staff/volun-teers as problems or complaints have arisen. But there is no system for regularly collecting this information or acting upon it. There is a system in place for determining staff/volunteer satisfaction (e.g., meetings in absence of their supervisors or other ways such as surveys or interviews). The informa-tion has been acted on at least once in the last three years. There is a system in place for determining staff/volunteer satisfaction (e.g., meetings in absence of their supervisors or other ways such as surveys or interviews). The information is usually that there is satisfaction. When there is not, action is usually taken to improve. There is a system in place for determining staff/volunteer satisfaction (e.g., meetings in absence of their supervisors or other ways such as surveys or interviews). There are still gaps in that there sometimes is low satisfaction and/or that results are not always followed up. There is a system in place for determining staff/volunteer satisfaction (e.g., meetings in absence of their supervisors or other ways such as surveys or interviews). The information is usually that there is satisfaction. When there is not, action is always taken to improve. 2