Gender Discrimination and Health Workforce Development: An Advocacy Tool

Students: Remote learning rooms

pregnant learner continuation

Some institutions have established remote learning rooms where student-parents can engage in caregiving while watching or listening to classes. In the US, the University of Washington School of Law maintains a remote learning room that is “intended especially for nursing mothers, but it will accommodate parents who need a place to change diapers, feed babies, or attend to the myriad of chores that face newer parents. ”The room has a refrigerator, sink, microwave, soft furniture, two private lactation rooms, and four workstations where students can listen to/watch class sessions that take place in one of the school’s major classrooms. Students wishing to use the room must arrange specified times with the Academic Services Office, which will program the student’s ID card upon approval. Access can be granted on a quarterly or emergency basis.


Information on University of Washington Law School’s remote learning room

Additional information: PDF