Using the HRH Action Framework for Country Progress on the Health Workforce

The HRH Action Framework (HAF) is designed to help health sector leaders develop and implement strategies that will strengthen the health workforce—from better distribution to improved retention and fewer gaps in skills.

Dr. Zulfiqar KhanIn the latest edition of CapacityPlus Voices, Country action for the health workforce: A powerful framework, Mary Roroi of the National Department of Health in Papua New Guinea and Dr. Zulfiqar Khan of the World Health Organization in Pakistan discuss how they’re applying the HAF.

“The six areas [Action Fields] which the HAF talks about helped us a lot to develop these strategic areas because it has further explanations—for example, who could be the potential leaders and what could be their role, and how to bring them together,” says Dr. Khan. “It is really very helpful.”

The HAF website was developed as an initiative of the Global Health Workforce Alliance and represents a collaborative effort among GHWA, USAID, and the WHO. As a GHWA partner, the Capacity Project and now CapacityPlus contributed to the development of the HAF.

Last month’s CapacityPlus Voices, Partnering to keep health workers in the communities that need them, highlighted the WHO’s global policy recommendations for increasing access to health workers through improved retention in remote and rural areas.

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 Photo by Laura Wurts. (Dr. Zulfiqar Khan)